Your Government has lied. These Doctors are about to expose the truth.
They won't necessarily be able to give the full details WHY this has occurred.
Some of this data though you will find on the linked posts and be able to develop your own opinions. The truth is beyond belief and hidden from us by design.
Truth or Lies?
Do You Want To Be A
Slave or Sovereign: Man or Woman,
Your Government Have Lied & Committed TREASON!!
Your Family's Future is at Risk based on a HOAX Pandemic and a so called virus that lives within most of us that 80-90% will test positive for, with NO ill effect, identified using a false test criteria. Dr Adil - Manchester

Final List of Speakers for 29th August 2020 at
Trafalgar Square London .
Agenda : Far Reaching Restrictions On The Public

1. Dr Mohammad I Adil MB BS .FRCSED (UK ). U.K. - In Person
FRCS1 Consultant General Surgeon
30 years International Speaker for Medical Innovation & advancements , Pioneer & President Global Nishtarian Org, All Pakistan Medical Association UK, World Doctors Alliance . Conducted two international scientific conferences in Royal Oldham , Manchester in June & September 2019 .
Invited as a Guest speaker from 8 different medical universities in Pakistan in July- August 2019 teaching post & undergraduates & medical students. Associate Professor MB BS medical college AJK , Pakistan .
In recent COVID-19 he played an exclusive role in differing mainstream media narrative.
Suspended by GMC recently due to his view point .
Education. Nishtar medical university Multan , Pakistan ,
Royal College of Surgeons of UK & Ireland

2. Dr Mohammed Yeahiya PhD
Cranefield University , Bedfordshire , UK
Aviation Consultant , Airlines and Airports .
3. Dr R Zac Cox BDS UK - In Person
Holistic/Biological Dentistry
Holistic Homeopath LCPH

4. Dr Kevin P.Corbett PhD UK - In Person
Independent Research Consultant
KPC Research and Consultancy Limited
5. Dr Sheri Tenpenny USA - Video link - USA
Tenpenny graduated with a Bachelor of Arts from the University of Toledo in 1980, and subsequently received a Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine degree from the Kirksville College of Osteopathic Medicine in Missouri in 1984. From 1986 to 1998, Tenpenny was the director of the emergency department at Blanchard Valley Hospital in Findlay, Ohio. She opened an osteopathic practice in 1994, and went on to establish two more such practices, in 1996 and 2011.
6. Professor Dolores Cahil - In person - Ireland
Vice Chair of the IMI Scientific Committee, Professor of Translational Science, School of Medicine / University College Dublin, Membership of Boards and Councils, Member Advisory Science Council to Irish Government (2005-2014), Member International Science Advisory Board, ProNOVA Research Institute, Sweden (2008 – 2016), Member of International Science Review Board of German Federal Ministry of Education & Research (BMBF & DLR) Strategic Funding Programmes: Systems Medicine (2013-2016);
Translational Medicine in Cancer DKTK (2010-2016)
Integrated Networks for Disease-Oriented Genome Research (NGFNplus) (2010);
Medical Systems Biology (2008);
Integrated Networks for Disease-Oriented Genome (NGFNplus).
Under fire due to her view point on COVID-19 .

7. Mr Zafar Tareen Attorney At Law Supreme court of Pakistan. LLB . MA political Science. - Video link - Pakistan
Member American BAR Association . Ex President BAR Lahore High Courts ,
Chairman Lawyer's Unity of Pakistan. Independent legal advisory. Pakistan
8. Kay Allison Shemirani - In person - UK.
General Nurse Dip Pers Nutritionists Staff Nurse NHS suspended by NMC for holding her view point on COVID , masks , lockdown etc .
9. Dr Mahesh Shah GP Practitioner - London. - Not confirmed
Harassed by GMC and NHS with enquiry . Nutritionist .

10. Dr. Andrew Kaufman, - video link - confirmed .
the American medical doctor, Professor of psychiatry, molecular biologist, and expert witness. He studied at Duke, M.I.T, and the Medical University of South Carolina, where he conducted and published original research, and lectured to students, residents, and fellows. In recent COVID-19 he played exclusive role in differing mainstream media .
12. Dr Senator Scott Jensen MD , Scott M. Confirmed - Video link
Jensen is a physician, American politician, and member of the Minnesota Senate. A member of the Republican Party of Minnesota, he represents District 47 in the western Twin Cities metropolitan area. Education: University of Mn Med School (1978–1981), University of Minnesota, Luther Seminary. Was targeted duhis view point on COVID -19 but recently Board of Minnesota withdrew charges against him .
13. Mikael Nordfors MD, Scientist Denmark - In person .
Medical Doctor, specialist in integrative medicine.
Educated at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm.
Also speaker, composer, author, pianist, political activist, inventor of Liquid Democracy and the Peoples Court.
15. Dr. Judy Wilyman Video link . Confirmed . Australia
Judy Wilyman is a public health educator with in-depth knowledge of the historical control of infectious diseases. She has spent many years investigating the correlation between the decline in children’s health and the increased use of vaccines. This research included examining the scientific rigor underpinning government claims that vaccines are ‘safe and effective’. Her PhD titled ‘A critical analysis of the Australian government’s rationale for its vaccination policy’ concluded that the government’s claims of safety and efficacy are not based on hard evidence. They are based on undone science. That is, the empirical science that is used to prove the safety and efficacy of vaccines has never been done. Judy’s PhD was completed in December 2015 and since that time, she has experienced censorship in the debate of vaccination in both the mainstream media and the official channels for public debate.
Homo Sapiens Chromosome 8.. All Humans Test Positive
Confirming Dr Adil - The Test For Corona Virus is Irrelevant -
The Scale of The CV19 - Corona Virus Scam..
16. David Icke . confirmed over Zoom and video link .
David Icke is a groundbreaking author and public speaker that has been warning of this global Orwellian state. He is a former footballer and sports broadcaster.[6] Icke has written more than 20 books and has lectured in over 25 countries . He is an intellectual and played significant role in transforming intellectual innovation into perspectives.
17. Gareth Icke . confirmed in person .
Gareth Icke . Gareth Icke is Sib if David Icke . He is a singer, author, podcaster and activist. He made significant contribution towards public interaction and education . Gareth is from Derby .

THE TRANS-HUMAN AGENDA - Luciferase 060606
