Ongoing Post.. Trafalgar 29.8.20?
Watch This Space

The Truth Tour Announcement
Mindspace The Objective of Govt.

Leicester Square 1.9.20
Portsmouth 2.9.20
Salisbury 3.9.20
Footage Required..
Exeter 4.9.20
Obviously the "System" Doesn't like the truth getting out in Exeter?
Sheffield 5.9.20

Piers Corbyn Arrest
Truro 5.9.20
Bath 6.9.20
Bristol 7.9.20
Cardiff 8.9.20
Swansea 9.9.20
Oxford 10.9.20
Coventry 11.9.20
Birmingham 12.9.20
Leicester 13.9.20
Nottingham 14.9.20
Liverpool 15.9.20
Manchester 16.9.20
Carlisle 17.9.20
Glasgow 18.9.20
Aberdeen 19.9.20
Edinburgh 20.9.20
Newcastle Upon Tyne 21.9.20
Leeds 22.9.20
Sheffield 23.9.20
Norwich 24.9.20
Cambridge 25.9.20
London 26.9.20 Trafalgar Sq
London 27.9.20 Hyde Park