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Dr Adil - Messages From The Whats App Group

Writer's picture: Bruce LambBruce Lamb

Your Government has lied and now suspending Doctors and Nurses that are telling the truth.

These are the Doctors and Nurses who have your best interest at heart as they stick to their hippocratic oath. They care for you and your families health.

This is why they became Medical Professionals.

Full Line Up: On the day, Mark Steele, David Icke plus others added their truths.

From texts below - Dr Adil

Virus has already died out , mutated with zero incidence at the moment other than just propaganda therefore there is no need for injecting poisonous vaccine into healthy people with dead viruses 🦠, bacteria , heavy metals ( mercury, Aluminium, neomycin ) antibiotics and other poisons to create hypersensitivity in your body which may lead to shock , paralysis , infertility , dementia , Alzheimer’s disease , autism , Parkinson’s disease and death .

Vaccine is not a treatment but is for the hefty business and depopulation agenda in reducing 15-20% of population as Bill Gate , Hillary , Gavi Foundation abd pharma had predicted to generate money .

Health professionals , you have given oath , “ Hippocratic Oath “ based on the medical ethics in short “ I will do no harm or injustice to the patients, never will administer poison to anybody when I asked to do so nor will I suggest so “ First Do No Harm “

Please say no to vaccine before it’s too late . September the 28th is deadline as per certificate. Wake up , Stand up fir your right to say No to the vaccine and stop this satanic agenda before it’s too late .


It’s your time to stand up against the evil to protect yourself and your next generation.

I am sure you are awake .

Dr Mohammad Adil FRCS, UK

Document Set Provided by Dr Adil.

Key Points.

1. Misuse of The Covid 19 Test. Wrong Application.

2. 170,000 die every year in the UK. ONS Statistics.

3. Covid 19 test introduced 1993 - NOT DESIGNED TO BE USED FOR MICRO ORGANISMS

4. 80-90% Test Positive For Covid 19 - 99% of these people HAVE NO SYMPTOMS?

5. Track & Trace is therefore USELESS!!

6. Track and Trace Covid 19 gives a false positive result.

7. Millions of Corona Viruses exist in our body - Its NOT an Issue. We build Resilience - Immunity. Its NOT a Killing Disease.

8. Government Propaganda has to be stopped... Misleading Figures for Deaths.

9. People recorded dying from Covid 19 according to Govt in reality are dying from other causes.

10. More are dying From Cancer.. Our Govt KNOW THIS THEY ARE THE CAUSE

NOTE: This is enough evidence to convince people that wearing masks is NOT protective for transmission of viruses from one person to another..

Trafalgar Square 29.8.20: This was a significant historical event for the people of this country and the Deep State/ New World Order that controls our so called Government knew this.

They had Police in reserve on the embankment but the crowd numbers that turned up were far in excess than they anticipated or reported in the media. For a good reason.

The reason is there is another Agenda here. Its known as Genocide/ Democide and Slavery.

Its understood By Different Names, Initiatives and devious strategies as the Idea is to Confuse the masses. This is their game plan.

  • Care UK employee Louise Hampton recorded video slamming a certificate given to her and her colleagues

  • 'This is my certificate of b*****ks.' Ms Hampton said. 'I didn't clap for the NHS, I didn't clap for myself. Because why would I clap for myself when I did f*** all?' 

  • Ms Hampton's stark message comes amid rising fears over a backlog of millions of cancer screenings and other operations which have been delayed by the pandemic

  • There was just one coronavirus death in the United Kingdom on Sunday and another 1,715 cases recorded

  • Meanwhile, an estimated 2.4m people were waiting for a cancer screening, further tests or cancer treatment at the end of May, with a backlog of around 2.1m people left waiting for breast, bowel or cervical screening 


Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars

An introductory programming manual

Operations Research

Technical Manual


Welcome Aboard

This publication marks the 25th anniversary of the Third World War, called the "Quiet War", being conducted using subjective biological warfare, fought with "silent weapons".

This book contains an introductory description of this war, its strategies, and its weaponry.


It is patently impossible to discuss social engineering or the automation of a society, i.e., the engineering of social automation systems (silent weapons) on a national or worldwide scale without implying extensive objectives of social control and destruction of human life, i.e., slavery and genocide.

This manual is in itself an analog declaration of intent. Such a writing must be secured from public scrutiny. Otherwise, it might be recognized as a technically formal declaration of domestic war. Furthermore, whenever any person or group of persons in a position of great power and without full knowledge and consent of the public, uses such knowledge and methodologies for economic conquest - it must be understood that a state of domestic warfare exists between said person or group of persons and the public.

The solution of today's problems requires an approach which is ruthlessly candid, with no agonizing over religious, moral or cultural values.

You have qualified for this project because of your ability to look at human society with cold objectivity, and yet analyze and discuss your observations and conclusions with others of similar intellectual capacity without the loss of discretion or humility. Such virtues are exercised in your own best interest. Do not deviate from them.

Agenda 21/ 2030: Rosa Koire explains Agenda 21:

Resilient City Initiatives: The site has gone as we are on to them and their plan through leveraged Councils.

Climate Change - Global Warming - Initiatives. Extinction Rebellion.

We have global cooling NOT warming:

The Government - White Collar Criminals - Don't think like you or I but the level of greed and want of possessions that others have is that of a young child who has yet to develop into an adult and always wants and cannot share.

The taking of your assets is their game, this is why we've had so many wars run by Bankers and Corporate's stemming from Secret Societies, Bilderberg Group, Tavistock Institute, Common Purpose and too many Govt Quangos to mention.

All this has been exposed, as the harm caused to many be it financially or physically is now evident and out there on film, documents, documentaries and lawful case studies.

29.8.20 was representation of a line in the sand that they crossed as they are now wanting to take the last thing you have of value and that is the lives of you and your children and the devious method is 5G - Electro - Magnetic Waves, WiGIG/ 60 GHz Installations, Vaccinations with Tungsten, Aluminium and Trace Mercury in them plus other harmful substances.

You will drop like flies as did the people in Wuhan China, An Act of Genocide.


Are you Going to let them do this to your Children/ Mum's/ Dads/ YOU.. NO!!!!

This Is The NEXT BIG ISSUE To Address - Forced Vaccination.




  1. Temporary authorisation of the supply of unlicensed products

  2. Civil liability and immunity

  3. Proposed expansion to the workforce eligible to administer vaccinations

  4. Vaccine promotion

  5. Make provisions for wholesale dealing of vaccines

  6. Conclusion

  7. Responding to this consultation


COVID-19 is the biggest threat this country has faced in peacetime history, which is why the UK government is working to a scientifically led, step-by-step action plan for tackling the pandemic – taking the right measures at the right time.

THIS IS A LIE. Reference Dr Adil's Analysis.

Effective COVID-19 vaccines will be the best way to deal with the pandemic. Any vaccine must first go through the usual rigorous testing and development process and be shown to meet the expected high standards of safety, quality and efficacy before it can be deployed.

THIS IS A LIE. Reference Dr Adil's Analysis.

The independent Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) will advise the UK government on which COVID-19 vaccine/s the UK should use, and on the priority groups to receive the vaccine based on the best available clinical, modelling and epidemiological data.

This will depend on the properties of the vaccine, those most at need (including health and care workers) and the particular medical circumstances of individuals.

This will Make You a Trans-Human and You Will Lose Your Right To Life.

Your Sovereignty. You Will Be Culled.

As You are Then An Animal. GOYUM !!

[23:20, 31/08/2020]

[23:20, 31/08/2020]

Dear All Medical Professionals , citizen of the world , intellectuals , journalists .

Deep state have exposed themselves by ramping up public to full fill their vaccination agenda .

I exposed them 4 months ago with my little knowledge and research work but many didn’t believe me and I was labelled as conspiracy theorist expert . I had to pay heavy price by losing my licence to practice medicine in UK 🇬🇧 .

Please see this document sent by Uk government which exposes them further to prove that I was right

Virus has already died out , mutated with zero incidence at the moment other than just propaganda therefore there is no need for injecting poisonous vaccine into healthy people with dead viruses 🦠, bacteria , heavy metals ( mercury, Aluminium, neomycin ) antibiotics and other poisons to creat hypersensitivity in your body which may lead to shock , paralysis , infertility , dementia , Alzheimer’s disease , autism , Parkinson’s disease and death .

Vaccine is not a treatment but is for the hefty business and depopulation agenda in reducing 15-20% of population as Bill Gate , Hilliary , Gavi Foundation abd pharma had predicted to generate money .

Health professionals , you have given oath , “ Hippocratic Oath “ based on the medical ethics in short

“ I will do no harm or injustice to the patients, never will administer poison to anybody when I asked to do so nor will I suggest so “ First Do No Harm “ .

Please say no to vaccine before it’s too late . September the 28th is deadline as per certificate. Wake up , Stand up fir your right to say No to the vaccine and stop this satanic agenda before it’s too late .

You don’t want to have beast mark on your forehead , chip into your skin , quantum certificate , digital passport , digital certificate of clearance for your jobs , deriving licence , employment , border crossing etc .

It’s your time to stand up against the evil to protect yourself and your next generation .I am sure you are awake .

Dr Mohammad Adil FRCS, UK


THE ONLY THING A GOVERNMENT NEEDS TO CONTROL PEOPLE IS FEAR - Robert Kennedy Junior. 5G and Digital Currency Is Slavery - If they Control Your Bank Account They Control You!!

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