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Writer's pictureBruce Lamb

GMCA v Lucjan Domanski - Common Law - Is The Law - UK

Updated: Jan 14, 2022

Work in Progress.

Lawyer Anna De Buisseret: “Deaths From Covid-19 Vaccination Program Fits the Definition of Genocide”

Work in Progress:

To Support GMCA v LUCJAN DOMANSKI - FICTION. 062100580467

Living Man : lucjan domanski ; BC/21/391337

GMCA v KATE & LUC CAFE LIMITED 062100580408.

On questioning the Crime and Who was bringing the claim in their personal capacity under penalty of perjury and personal liability the staff at Greater Manchester Magistrates Court could NOT answer apart from the harm had been done to GMCA?

Who are exactly GMCA?


GMCA are the CORPORATION that their employees are Responsible Personally as Public Servants to manage the environment for the Men Women & Children of Greater Manchester and protect them from harm, loss and injury.

Note The Banner: The Council and Greater Manchester Police Working in Partnership to Tackle Anti Social Behaviour?

Question: What is the charge?

Answer - Travelling to Wales was the answer?

Question: For Both Luc & The Business?

Answer - Yes

I pointed out the business was a fixed premises in Burnage. Luc was there also. Video evidence below.

This was the event video'd by customers. Confirmation that Luc and Kate were in Burnage in their cafe. Luc being assaulted by GMP OFFICER (s) or Police Constables.

Email to M19 Legal team didnt get through therefore crime report handed into GMP Northampton Road with supporting evidence of GMCA's and GMP's unlawful activities these are now listed with a full documentation set for Magistrates on 13th January 2022 3pm.

Stephen Watson GMP Chief Constable will be sent the electronic version of the documents. These have been sent by Post - Track and trace signed for.

  1. to Keith Townend. Head of Legal Operations, North West & M19 Legal team

  2. to Andy Burnham GMCA - Leader or GMCA Lord Mayor.

  3. Electronically to Stephen Watson GMP Chief Constable for distribution to all parties.

Physical and electronic copies will be with Magistrates, Andy Burnham and Keith Townend by Friday. 7th January 2022.

Track & Trace Post Office

Andrew Burnham - WD 5593 5154 4GB

Keith Townend - WD 5593 5155 8GB

Andy Burnham Received by 13:38 07.01.22

Interesting Signature? Looks Like CV 19 ?

Keith Townend Received by 13:38 07.01.22 Again a possible CV19 ?

Updates will be added to One Drive by Exhibit A-K

📌 Update 05/01/2022 from Mark Sexton

Today I submitted 1100 pages of evidence to Hammersmith CID. 2 excellent detectives accepted and signed for the paperwork. They confirmed the crime report is now significant and very lengthy. A number of other world experts have added their details and support and again they were acknowledged by The Met Police. Mark Steele provided a massive amount of evidence relating to the damage the v is causing.

The Superintendent acknowledged Mark’s submission.

Philip Hyland, Lois Bayliss, Dr Sam White and others behind the scenes are working around the clock providing evidence, statements and support.

Another demand was made to stop the V program immediately. This was added to the crime report again and verbalised.

Due to the amount of evidence and the allegations being made and against who this going to be a huge and lengthy investigation. (I’m sure we all know that).

Michael O Bernicia and his team have added their weight and support to this criminal investigation. The evidence they possess is vast and significant with regards to Midazolam and the deaths/murders attributed to this drug. Michael has emailed The Met directly outlining the evidence they have and of the legal team he is working with. This is on the understanding his involvement in this investigation does not compromise the PCP he submitted to the courts on the 21/12/21.

Of note and hugely significant, allegations were made of the most serious crimes being committed by a number of named Gov ministers, Civil servants and the bosses of U.K. news networks.

The crimes cited being,

1, misfeasance in public office,

2, misconduct in public office,

3, conspiracy to commit grievous bodily harm,

4, conspiracy to administer a poisonous and noxious substance to cause serious harm and death.

5, gross negligence manslaughter,

6, corporate manslaughter,

7, corruption,

8, fraud,

9, blackmail,

10, murder,

11, conspiracy to commit murder,

12, terrorism,

13, genoside,

14, torture,

15, crimes against humanity,

16, false imprisonment,

17, multiple breaches of our human rights,

18, war crimes,

19, multiple breaches of The Nuremberg Code 1947,

20, multiple breaches of The Human Rights Act 1998,

(Treason will also be added).

We must get this criminal investigation into the public domain as soon as possible and the ICC application. We need to be messaging The BBC and Sky news in the thousands to force their hand and air this to the masses, put pressure on the Police, stop the v and arrest those responsible ASAP.

Despite our best efforts Sadiq Khan has not replied to the emails or returned our phone calls as promised by his office.

To email the BBC and Sky and make them aware of the criminal investigation, crime number 6029679/21 and the ICC application reference OTP-CR-473/21

They have a what’s app tel number also

07756 165803

Further updates will be provided as and when.

Thank you very much to everyone for continuing to fight for our country, our children and our inalienable rights.



  1. Everyone and let’s make 2022 a year that the elites would like to forget. Political cover is crucial in the coming months. Build that resistance we can’t do this without you so that we can bring people together, make sure you forward this link to the growing resistance, of vaccinated and unvaccinated people.

  2. The agenda. Gov. Ministers are confirming that they are planning to take away private vehicle ownership. Next it will be access to heating, food, your bank account and all property assets. Build Back Better agenda. “You will own nothing and be happy”. The WEF and globalists want all your assets. Build resistance now, get in touch.

  3. Public servants. Are acting ultra vires we have the evidence of the dangers now in the published science from the bio weapon masquerading as a vaccine and anyone in public office pushing this are crimes of gross negligence manslaughter and misconduct in public office at the very least.


  5. Vaccines, Mask Insurance companies in the USA are reporting a 40% increase in deaths of 18 – 60 year olds. Considering the Vaccine takes 24months to take full effect this is the start of the mass cull.

  6. Mask wearing is back and has no scientific purpose apart from making people sick to support the fake narrative. Schools are increasing the harm to children and they have to be put on notice that this is a crime causing an assault on the person.

  7. Demand your local Police with this scientific evidence of the dangers posed to the people from this so called vaccine a cessation of its use. Make the complaint of misconduct in public office to anyone pushing this vaccine agenda.

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