What is a Synthetic or Trans-Human?
A Synthetic will be a Man or Woman that becomes DNA changed through the Swab or Vaccination into a NON human through contaminants within the Swabs and Vaccines.
This you are NOT being informed of? Why?
They Don't Want You To Know!!
It will end Humanity as we know it!!
Do NOT Consent..
Remember this is all based on A FALSE PANDEMIC!! - its Media Frenzy Only!!
What is Hydrogel and what does it do to you? Kate knows - listen..
These trace elements are also referred to nano particulates and are metal particles that can be controlled with EMF's or EMW's - Electro Magnetic Wave's or changes in Electro Magnetic Fields.
We've been breathing them in for decades - They are also known as Chem trails
You will be tricked or coerced/ lead by a carrot and stick mechanism into doing this?
(Get The Numbers In)
Police - Health Workers - As They Are Not Needed Moving Forward For Synthetics. 5G Controls All.
Get Your Health Passport Filled To Access A Store/ Football Match/ receive Treatment or Whatever YOUR choice of event/ procedure may be?
Concert/ Show/ Travel etc?
Ouch! Zara Tindall winces as she and husband Mike Tindall take a rapid 10-minute Covid-19 test designed to get sports fans back into stadiums and racecourses
Zara and Mike Tindall tried out new Covid-19 test kit and digital health passport
VHealth Passport has been developed to help get sports fans back into events
Couple took BioSure test to see how easy it was to use and upload to system
Queen's granddaughter winced at pin-prick test which identifies antibodies
Human 2.0 Transhumanism - This is here NOW!!
This is what the EU Funded BBC Say: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/53525002
Bitchute - For When They Take Down YouTube: Human 2.0.
So we've got the Hydrogel in us through a delivery mechanism that was based on a false premise and we were NOT fully informed of what the outcome or side effects will be only that the Deliverer & Creator will NOT be liable for the Consequences?
Are You Beginning To Get The Picture?
How Do You Power A Synthetic or Trans Human
EMF's, EMW's aka Electro Magnetic Waves - Electro Magnetic Fields.
Question: Does A Compass Point to The Magnetic North Pole or Does It Align Itself With The Electro Magnetic Field All Around Us?
Question: What Was It That Nikola Tesla Knew That is Only Just Re Emerging
Question: Was The Great Pyramid At Giza A Huge Energy Generator Working with Earths Magnetic Fields?
What Happens If I Change The Electro Magnetic Fields That We, Human Beings, Men, Woman & Children Live In.. Firstenberg's Invisible Rainbow
Phased Array Beam (Concentrated Energy) Forming Antennae - 2019 - Manchester