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Writer's pictureBruce Lamb

Rome Has Fallen - Nuremberg 2.0 - IoM - Wilful Ignorance - courtenay v David Ashford - UK - Follows.

Updated: Nov 22, 2021

In the week that sees Courtenay's defendant the Isle of Man Health Minister - David Ashford identified as displaying Wilful Ignorance of the facts around COVid 19 I feel there will be a few public officials twitching when crime number JS 435946946GB becomes the point of reference - No Virus - No Test - No Contagion.

So what's with all the media hype and jabathon hysteria? Why get a vaccine for something that doesn't exist unless there are alterior motives. We Know - They Know We Know - The Media and UK - MP's - Ministers, Local Councils all operate along with the Police as Public Servants. The deceptive threads that links them together are both masonic with a common purpose. Deception - Genocide - Democide.

Content within JS435946946GB is within intelligence gathering file with GMP. INT/06A1/0004545/21 . David Ashford is looking at potentially misfeasance in public office at the very least.

Every England & Wales Chief Constable is in breach of the Nolan principles as they are bought by a system that operates outside of their Oath of Office.

On September 21 2021, Law Decree no. 127/2021 (Decree 127), providing “urgent measures to ensure the safe performance of public and private work,” was published in Italy’s Official Gazette. Decree 127 extends the scope of the mandatory Covid-19 Green Certification or “Green Pass” and strengthens the screening system.

The Green Pass is a personal QR code issued by the Government certifying that the individual has either been vaccinated, recovered from Covid-19, or has received a recent negative Covid swab test. Below is a summary of the relevant provisions of Decree 127. Our team in Italy continues to monitor the evolution of employment laws and regulations related to Covid-19 and health and safety in the workplace. Please do not hesitate to contact us for further information.


  • From October 15, 2021 to December 31, 2021, private sector workers in Italy must possess and show, on request, a valid Green Pass to gain access to the workplace.

  • The obligation applies to all people who carry out work in the workplace, including training work and volunteer activities, and persons with all types of working contracts.

  • The obligation does not apply to those who are exempt from the national vaccination programme with an appropriate medical exemption certificate issued according to the criteria offset out by the Italian Ministry of Health.

Employer’s obligations .... Whats good for the Pope is Good For The Bishop, Priest or Deacon.. Another Take on Father Teds antics.


This article introduces the main conceptual and normative questions about willful ignorance. The first section asks what willful ignorance is, while the second section asks why—and how much—it merits moral or legal condemnation. My approach is to critically examine the criminal law's view of willful ignorance. Doing so not only reveals the range of positions one might take about the phenomenon but also sheds light on foundational questions about the nature of culpability and the relation between law and morality.

Claire Edwards - Ex UN Translator. Genocide 2020

Transcript of a Holocaust Survivor.

The smoking gun...the last words of the clinic director of the Chemnitz Municipal Hospital, who took his life because he did not want any part in the program of the 'COVid 19' mass murder.

Dr Thomas Jendges, RIP. He took his own life.

(This from my trusted German friend Joska):

…I just read that they blackmailed him with opening old criminal investigations from his time at the Clinic in Heilbronn (West Germany) to implement the programs of euthanasia (Clotshot and more) at the Chemnitz clinic (East Germany) according to leaked police information that spoke of a letter he left behind to his employers in which he confirmed that he would not aid and abett the constant deception and lying to patients and the jabbed ones about the harmlessness and safety of the COVID Vax .

He further condemned the use of an experimental deadly Covid-19 innoculation, which in his eyes clearly is a bioweapon to genocide the populace. He further stated it constituted intentional mass murder and a crime against humanity. Even the mayor of the town threatened him with the sack, if he was not to jab the patients.

Dr Thomas Jendges said he was not available for such crimes against humanity as instituted by the Federal and State government. His early departure from life would be the only way out of this dilemma for him, as a doctor who pledged to do no harm'. He explicitly stated that his last will was to have this letter published.

It will be published and forwarded to all England & Wales Police Chief Constables.

Let Us Never Forget History - The Lessons It Brings.

And there are more where this came from - Arrest Warrants.

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