The Rigging of US elections by Private Intelligence Networks and Agencies, Cambridge Analytica's involvement, The Puppet Masters, Fake News and de-funding the Police for the Deep State Government Private Contractors to Move In - Then Operate and Profit. The Military Industrial Complex Has Gone Rogue.
Your Personal & Business Data is GOLD..
Social Media Psychological Warfare is the Game. Silent Weapons Quiet Wars
Full Documentary covering the SHADOW Government Intelligence Networks.

The Whistle Blowers

How Your Personal Data Is Copied into the Private Domain. Individuals or Groups Are Targeted and then Categorised. These Objects of Focus are Called Localisation Targets.
The Use of Fears and Interests To Profile, Control and Influence Individuals:
Silent Weapons Quiet Wars:
Economic Amplifiers fall into classes called strategies, and, in comparison with electronic amplifiers, the specific internal functions of an economic amplifier are called logistical instead of electrical.
Therefore, economic amplifiers not only deliver power gain but also, in effect, are used to cause changes in the economic circuitry.
In the design of an economic amplifier we must have some idea of at least five functions ,which are:
(1) the available input signals, (2) the desired output-control objectives, (3) the strategic objective, (4) the available economic power sources, (5) the logistical options.
The process of defining and evaluating these factors and incorporating the economic amplifier into an economic system has been popularly called game theory.
The design of an economic amplifier begins with a specification of the power level of the output, which can range from personal to national. The second condition is accuracy of response, i.e., how accurately the output action is a function of the input commands. High gain combined with strong feedback helps to deliver the required precision.
Most of the error will be in the input data signal. Personal input data tends to be specified, while national input data tends to be statistical.
Read Silent Weapons in Full:

Data and Bio Metric Data Collection. Un-authorised Access To Data Files.

GCHQ, CIA, German Intelligence - DVD Deutsche Verteidigungs Dienst (G01/ G02). Were Collecting Everyone's Data and Privatising it.. CGI. Canadian Global Information. Every aspect of your life is collected and collated. Both Illegal and Unlawful.

At SES Networks, we empower you to make the most of your opportunities. Together, we drive bigger, more fulfilling, and more productive outcomes. We take a highly consultative approach to customer engagement. We tailor industry-focused network solutions that are powered by our fleet of MEO and GEO satellites, and extensive ground infrastructure. And we deliver them as a managed service so you can stay focused on how best to maximise your business.

SES supplied the 5G Satellite WiFi - WiGig on the Cruise Ships where passengers were ill at the break out of reported Covid 19 instances.

Collaboration With Chinese Markets..

US Data Copied Onto Private Servers

Built in Spying Attributes.

Who are The Criminal Networks?

October 8, 2019 22 1559
Here’s further smoking gun proof of the UK-Obama deep state plan to spy on and destroy Donald J. Trump… from STGreport Here’s further smoking gun proof of the UK-Obama deep state plan to spy on and destroy Donald J. Trump. Mark Anthony Taylor shares the bomb shell top secret strap3 sigint GCHQ document which by itself should be enough evidence to have Barak Obama tried for treason.

Un-authorised data access to private Contractors US and UK. Your and My Data.

Robert Hannigan - GCHQ website taken down. Data collected on Politicians and the public. Information used for Blackmail purposes. Compromised MP's PM's and at the core in the UK, Cambridge Analytica. A Part of The Military Industrial Complex.
The Great Hack Documentary.
NETFLIX tells All.

Cambridge Analytica Helped Obama Win.. Hacked Systems Guided Outcomes..

Mark Taylor 7 August 2019 Delivered
Dear House of Commons,
This may have to be directed to the Treasury Select Committee, or the information could be found in the email archive of John Mann or Mark Garnier held by Parliament. On 2nd Nov 2015, The Times reported that the Daily Mail had been leaked emails from Jeffrey Epstein to Parliament or some connected source to blackmail Parliament into accepting Jes Staley as CEO for Barclays. Subsequently in August 2019 it was reported by Bloomberg that Staley had visited Epstein in prison and also on his island, travelling to the latter on Epstein's yacht.
URL for the Times article is here:
In the Daily Mail article John Mann MP and Mark Garnier MP were reported to have told the Daily Mail that Staley ought to face a grilling session as a result of the threats Epstein was alleged to have made to blackmail Parliament to accept his friend Staley as CEO of Barclays.
1. I would like a copy of any email disclosed to Parliament by the Daily Mail that forms the basis of these allegations
2. The recipient list of the emails, and any other meta data in the original copies sent to Parliament or the Treasury Select Committee or its members. Yours faithfully,
Mark Anthony Taylor

House of Commons Final Response:
We can neither confirm nor deny that the House of Commons holds this information. Any information held by the House of Commons relevant to your request is withheld under s.34 of the Freedom of Information Acts 2000 (FOIA).
Section 34 exempts information from disclosure so far as it is required to avoid any infringement of the privileges of the House. Those privileges include the right of any committee of the House to decide whether, when and how to publish information relating to its proceedings. Correspondence on the provision of written or oral evidence and records of the Committee’s deliberations other than those published in its formal minutes are therefore exempt information under Section 34 of the Act. This is an absolute exemption and the public interest test does not apply. I am afraid I must therefore refuse that part of your request.

iiA, The Masses & Clinton Fooled To Make It look As Though Hilary Had Won.

Clinton Foundation - Child Trafficking - Podestas - Pizzagate - Wikileaks

John Mark Duggan 1
MI5/ MI6/ FBI Involvement in Deep State Cover Up.
Key Individuals Identified on Epstein Videos
Now on Russian Servers. For Safekeeping.
John Mark Duggan 2
Files 1994-2005 Files MI5, Recognisable People checked 7 Videos of 700.

The Clinton Body Count refers to a conspiracy theory, parts of which have been advanced by Newsmax publisher Christopher Ruddy among others, that asserts that former U.S. President Bill Clinton and his wife Hillary Clinton have assassinated fifty or more of their associates.[1][2][3] Such accusations have been around at least since the 1990s, when a pseudo-documentary film called The Clinton Chronicles, produced by Larry Nichols and promoted by Rev. Jerry Falwell, accused Bill Clinton of multiple crimes including murder.[4][5] This conspiracy theory has been debunked by the Lakeland Ledger, the Chicago Tribune, Snopes and others, who point to detailed death records, the unusually large circle of associates that a president is likely to have, and the facts that many of the people listed had no known link to the Clinton's, had been misidentified, or were still alive.[6][7]

Facebook Atlantic Council Connection.

Facebook Atlantic Council Connection.

Facebook Personal and Business Data Sold To Cambridge Analytica

Hacking , iiA, Shadownet, Change Your Reality.

Robocop 2020


United States Patent Application 20170061345
Kind Code: A1
Abstract: Systems, methods, and computer machines for electronically monitoring an employee's behavior to identify risk are described. A method includes receiving first data from legal databases that includes information regarding legal activity relating to the employee, receiving second data from financial databases that includes financial activity relating to the employee, receiving third data relating to activities electronically conducted by the employee on a network, receiving fourth data from social networking databases that includes social networking activity conducted by the employee, aggregating the first, second, third, and fourth data into an employee profile relating to the employee, determining legally Protected Information regarding the employee from the employee profile, determining anomalies associated with the employee based on the employee profile and the legally Protected Information, and generating an alert relating to the anomalies. The alert does not reveal to the user any references to the legally Protected Information which was used to process the alert.
When the new European Commission took office under President Ursula von der Leyen, enhancing digital capabilities across the European Union immediately emerged as a top priority. Even in her first statement before being confirmed as European Commission president, von der Leyen called for Europe to achieve “technological sovereignty in some critical technology areas.” Despite the priority given to technological or digital sovereignty, there has been little clear definition of what the term actually means. But it was clearly much more than a rhetorical flourish—by March 2020, the European Commission had outlined new legislative proposals covering the development and use of artificial intelligence, the participation of “high-risk” vendors in critical networks, and the management of data.
The COVID-19 pandemic has since only elevated the debate about Europe’s digital sovereignty. Combined with geopolitical concerns, including growing sensitivity about China’s rapidly increasing role in the European economy, the pandemic is prompting a review of Europe’s strategic position and appears to be strengthening a belief that Europe should seek greater “strategic autonomy”.
However the EU redefines sovereignty post-COVID-19—including technological or digital sovereignty—the impact will not be limited to Europe and European companies. Indeed, many of these EU initiatives could run counter the strong position of US and Chinese digital companies in the European market and will inevitably impact the transatlantic partnership.
In this issue brief, Atlantic Council distinguished fellow Frances G Burwell and non-resident senior fellow Kenneth Propp explore whether Europe’s search for digital sovereignty will turn into “Fortress Europe” and how this is playing out in key sectors of the digital economy – from cloud computing and 5G to artificial intelligence and digital taxation. How may this drive for digital sovereignty impact the transatlantic partnership and how can the United States and EU begin to identify shared perspectives and objectives in the digital policy realm again?

De-fund The Police With Technology - Business Rules..

The Use of Drones to Track & Trace Human Beings Is Here Now.

Who Is Hacking Your Reality - iiA. Who has access to the data when GCHQ copies it all and moves into the realms of Private Corporations.

Theresa May - Deep State insider ex BoE.
May covered up the Westminster Paedophile files and Banking Fraud as Home Secretary and Prime Minister of the UK.

Phased Array Mapping

Phased Array Unit - Greater Manchester..

Mayflower Unit.


COVID 19 TESTING AI - Based on a Fake Pandemic?
