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The UK GOVT Are Micro-Waving Your Kids To Death - Get IT Then Getting Paid £Mill For Doing IT

Writer's picture: Bruce LambBruce Lamb

When I first met Mark Steele 16th May 2019 it was at Moot Hall Courts Newcastle and the message was clear to me then. I'm fortunate, Id been researching Government endorsed financial crime since 2006/ 7 to date, so i had a head start knowing the lies and cover ups that were taking place within the UK establishment. My background was in radio and radar and i knew the impact of microwaves and radio waves on human tissue. Not Good.

Women and Children also Men are being microwaved globally and dying from Cancers and were Developing Respiratory issues. Mark Steele identified this in Gateshead. These cancers were were unusual in type, heart and brain as they were Cancers not normally associated with children so young.

The ONS website also has revealing data on impact, what was the 5G Test bed for the North East- Gateshead the highest recorded cancer incidences.

This will trend up the UK as 5G covergae continues. Ask yourself where are they building Nightingale Hospitals and Morgues then research 5G deployment trends.

ONS - Extract

Main points

  • In 2017, the number of new cancer diagnoses in England continued to increase from 303,135 in 2016 to 305,683 new cancer diagnoses (excluding diagnoses for non-melanoma skin cancers).

  • The five most common cancers for males and females make up the majority of all cancers diagnosed in males (60.5%) and females (63.3%).

  • The North East had the highest rate of cancer incidence at 646.1 patients diagnosed per 100,000 people, whilst London had the lowest rate at 567.6 patients diagnosed per 100,000 people.

  • The rate of people dying from cancer in England has decreased from 275.2 deaths per 100,000 in 2016 to 270.1 deaths per 100,000 in 2017.

  • Mortality rates from cancer in 2017 remain higher for males than females. is a graphic portayal of linked evidence that i've seen and received. My research specifically was linked to the systemic UK Banking fraud but what Mark had identified tied in with Silent Weapons Quiet Wars. The final Control and Genocide of the masses 2.6.1953 to date.

Within a week we had exchanged slide decks and information and i was on the case.

This after further research I recognised how they would complete the genocide and reduce the numbers in keeping with Georgia Guidestone and data. Microwave Radiation Poisoning. Then get paid from the Sovereign Wealth Funds.

Read Affidavit 0.9 and in particular Artemis Sorras materials and what happened with the Greek population after being exposed to a similar corruption through Goldman Sachs.

NHS Communication - Internal.

Greater Manchester Police have confirmed today they will do nothing. Monday 27.04.2020

Marks YouTube Channel has now been closed as the culprits and those covering up will be exposed: You will find the cover up culprits delivering the false narrative here:

It Should read.. STAY HOME, Protect The NWO (New World Order) 5G Takes Lives.

SMART Meters and LED Street Lighting components operate at 868MHz

LED Street Lighting 666 Terra Hertz - 450 Nano Meters

Rt Hon Ben Wallace - Defence Secretary: NHS Simon Stevens: John Bradley NHS

Download The Content. Link Below:

Manchester Police Wont Investigate..?

Controlled By The Deep State?

Freemasons, Common Purpose or Similar..

Bob Guest.. Its like Sitting In A Slow Cook Microwave Oven.

Manchester Police Chat Exchange extract. 27.04.20



The Greater Manchester Public & Their Children Will Be Left To Fry & Suffer Cancers. Similar to the Children of Gateshead. Everywhere 5G Goes Cancer Will Follow.

The Government Solution To The Symptoms is A Profit Based Solution - Gates Foundation Influenced. Govt Officials Cream The Money From Your NHS and false Taxation. False Solution To A False Pandemic.

Delivered By The NHS?

The NHS is being financially rifled by MPs, PMs, Pharmaceutical Corporates so your taxes are being taken by them and channeled through businesses that line the profits of the 1% MPs and the Elite's as they like to be known.

Also those who help them at a corporate level with their nose in the public trough.

The Cure for cancer which 5G Masts, WiFi and SMART meters will give you has been known since the 1980's and more recently David Noakes and Lynda Thyer have had their lives and businesses disrupted and wrecked by UK Govt Officials through the MHRA.

The UK Govt is responsible over decades for 200,000 lives a year lost to a curable disease where big Pharmaceutical Businesses make more from "Finding The Solution" Than delivering the cure.

GcMAF is a cure for those suffering from what 5G will definitely give you. Cancer.

Cancers of the brain heart and as time goes on other related diseases will be traced back to 5G delivery.

Does Anyone Have The Answer To The Following Question?

Which Doctor Certified Boris As Covid 19 - Corona Virus Positive.

I've had it from one source the Doctor had to sign the official secrets act as that what it was, an ACT. # BAFTA4Boris.

From Gordon Bowdens Site:

“Here, let me help those looking for where to open the NHS PANDORAS BOX. 50 BROADWAY, LONDON. Investigate the operations of:




It’s not Rocket Science.

You don’t have to be an NHS Brain Surgeon to understand how to FOLLOW THE MONEY.

788-790 FINCHLEY RD, LONDON is the very same Money Laundering address used by Ex HOME SECRETARY AMBER AUGUSTA RUDD, LORDS, MP’s, SIRs, Corporate VIPs, DAVID MACKENZIE DONALD MILLS for Convicted Fraudster Ex Italian PM SILVIO BERLUSCONI and the MAFIA. The same address named in ITALIAN MAFIA MONEY LAUNDERING IN BATTERSEA.

2 Companies that defrauded the USA Defence budget out of $1.5 Billion, $billion Fraud in Prague, the same address that ex-PM TONY BLAIR with his 11 smoke & Mirrors Companies FIRE RUSH VENTURES and their Parent WINDRUSH VENTURES LIMITED and the 209 THOUSAND “Russian Doll, Chinese Boxes”

Money Laundering Companies that launched out of the now abandoned 788-790 FINCHLEY RD LONDON NW11.”

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