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Vaxxed-2 - Vaxxed -3- Waiting in The Wings - GMCA - NHS.

Writer's picture: Bruce LambBruce Lamb

Updated: Jan 29, 2021

GMCA ON NOTICE - Andy Burnham, Mike Kane MP, NHS - Manisha Kumar ON NOTICE.

You are witnessing Genocide or Democide. Untested Covid19 Vaccinations with Lipids and Nano Particulates - Metals that will cause Hypoxemia/ Hypoxia and side effects as explained to Manisha Kumar - The NHS Doctor leading the GMCA/ NHS Joint Venture.

Objectives of VAERS

The primary objectives of VAERS are to:

  • Detect new, unusual, or rare vaccine adverse events;

  • Monitor increases in known adverse events;

  • Identify potential patient risk factors for particular types of adverse events;

  • Assess the safety of newly licensed vaccines;

  • Determine and address possible reporting clusters (e.g., suspected localized [temporally or geographically] or product-/batch-/lot-specific adverse event reporting);

  • Recognize persistent safe-use problems and administration errors;

  • Provide a national safety monitoring system that extends to the entire general population for response to public health emergencies, such as a large-scale pandemic influenza vaccination program.

Filtered on Deaths After COVID 1984 Vaccination

Criminal Charges for MURDER Need to be Filed IMMEDIATELY – Experimental Injections MUST BE HALTED!!

We are witnessing the mass murder of Americans right before our very eyes, and the genocide of our elderly population!

Complicit with these murders is the Pharma-controlled corporate media that not only fails to publish these statistics derived from a government reporting system, but actually publishes lies and fake news to encourage people to receive lethal injections.

As an investigative journalist, I have consistently presented the evidence that should be used to arrest and charge the criminals behind this atrocity which is nothing less than MASS MURDER, and crimes against humanity.

In the spirit and legal protection of the U.S. Constitution’s Bill of Rights, and the First Amendment which protects Freedom of Speech and Freedom of the Press to criticize public officials, here is the short list of government officials who need to be arrested immediately and have charges brought against them for intent to commit mass murder by lethal injections, among many other charges such as fraud.

There are literally thousands, if not tens of thousands that should be arrested and charged, but these are the top 3 most responsible and who should be brought to justice immediately.

Watching Vaxxed 1 and 2 and some data below will give insights as to what we can expect as this mass slaughter gets underway. Nuremburg Code breach.

This has been planned. Police, Councils, MPs, Judiciary are part of the Cover Up!!

Reading the Protocols of The Learned Elders of Zion leaves you in little doubt of what evil forces are in play.

Turning up the 5G EMW's - EMF's finishes off those who were Vaxxed first. If the side effects of immediate death do not follow the vaccination in Part 1-2 - X

UK Chief Police Constables informed for their own safety and their staff. They carry Tetra Microwave Radio Units on their body - Fitted radio transmission equipment..


Chief Constables 28.01.21 - Email : Alerting New CDC Data.

The Evidence

The Corona Virus is SAFE & EFFECTIVE? - Says Who?

This is part of the take down of the UK infrastructure by design - First Economic - Finance & Currency then the Command and Control mechanisms and Care Sectors - NHS Staff themselves are being vaccinated now.

Where Are The MHRA's Results? MP's Guilty

This is Silent Weapons Quiet Wars in ACTION..

Charlie Rainbow testimonial - The Covid Corona Virus Scam


Knowing the greater objectives of The Great Reset and Reduced Populations.

This Paints a very different picture..

Teenage Covid Vaccination Victim:

Vaccinating The UK To Death

The Elderly & Vulnerable First

It will never happen as The Elders of Zion Have other plans.

If you follow what Gordon Bowden has uncovered in his 16 years of uncovering fraud in a vast money-laundering network linked to Lords, MPs, ex Prime Ministers, TV entertainers and celebrity sportsmen & women linked to tax evasion to offshore tax havens then you will realise where the money goes to.

Instead of the money going back into the community for essential services like the NHS, Police, Ambulance and Fire Services; to Libraries; social housing and welfare, politicians of today seem intent on destroying the very fabric of society with corruption and lies and money is hidden away in offshore accounts. They think that it can’t be traced. But, there is an audit trail with everything, and when shown how easy it is to trace it back to where it starts from (ie. the dirty, greedy, self-serving politicians from all sides of the equation who are bought out by lobbyists with their Non-Exec Directorships of large corporations, including fracking firms) they all run a mile. It’s a MASSIVE cover-up, just like it was with Nixon…until he got caught out by the excellent investigative journalism of Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein.

We need more people like these two guys. They went after the truth because they were hungry for it.



Abbotswood Nursing Home - Flu Jabs Isle of Man. IoM

The links between flu jabs and ground radar - IoM

Public Enquiry Abbotswood House Nursing Home Crossag Road, Ballasalla, Isle of Man, IM9 3DX The recent deaths at Abbotswood are a tragedy for families of the deceased and have also traumatised many others on the Isle of Man.

This is a call for an independent, non-governmental, Public Enquiry; more so as, on 11th May 2020, the Isle of Man police refused in writing to issue a covid crime number to me while citing an unlawful, unenforceable ͚act͛͘ ;For context, on ϲth September 2019, Manx police also ͚categorically͛ refused in writing an HPV vaccine deathsΖ crime number). Such an Enquiry will establish the Isle of Man, finally, as a Sacred Space for Truth Tellers.

Vaxxed 2 - The Movie

Vaxxed 1 - The Movie:

Eustace Mullins (1923-2010), discusses one of his best-selling books; 'Murder by Injection' exposing the unholy dynasty of the big drug companies, the medical establishment, the Rockefeller syndicate and the evils of the cut-slash-and-burn cancer racket that has killed millions in the name of 'fighting cancer.' While there are many books on the corruption of modern medicine, there is no other book out there that so effectively tells the whole story as does this seminal volume, laying bare the criminal machinations of those who profit in the name of "promoting good health." The federal bureaucracy that ostensibly "regulates" the big drug companies is all part and parcel of the problem.

1910 - Rockefeller Takeover of Medical System.

Liz 2 - The Queen is a 3/16th Rothschild:

Liz & Phil Have A Depopulation Agenda - A Schedule To Maintain.

MHCC - A JV Between Manchester Council and The NHS

Invite For Vaccination - Clinically Vulnerable Manchester UK.

USA COVID19 Vaccine Outcomes: Download

Manisha Kumar NOTICE Page 1

Brandy Vaughan Murdered By Big Pharma..

Manisha Kumar NOTICE Page 2

These guys have over stepped Shipman's tally - They've Only Just Started

Moderna Vaccine Testimonial

Vaccines Delivered By Mercenaries

If you have looked at the evidence and information here and are NOT one of the 6 Million plus who have already taken Part 1 of the Vaccine consider the risks with the correct data becoming available.

If you have taken the vaccine Part 1 consider if you want to take this further with the UK Government and those who could be deemed personally liable for future side effects or early termination or quality of life.

When 5G is implemented fully, a Kill Grid along with the Vaccine implemented will see What Happened in Wuhan take place in every UK City by design.

See We The People - Case Study 5. Local Council and Government involvement.




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