I was making my mum's tea yesterday and in the background was the Wallace & Gromit - Nick Parks brilliant movie (& Characters) The Curse of the Were-Rabbit (2005).
The Peter Sallis voice over in these movies are i feel a modern day equivalent of Spike Milligan of the Goons fame or a Bernard Cribbins - Wombles among others
The Bunny Brainwashing Scene is a good introduction to where 5G is going for those who remain after the 5G/ Vaccination cull. Deagel.com That's if you don't succumb to Cancer.
I think this is a good soft intro to what 5G is intended to do for those who remain. I've placed a few still clips from the You Tube to soften the blow from what the Government handlers wont tell you about mind control, silent weapons and similar technologies that are being rolled out at street level to break down your DNA making the whole propaganda experience more enjoyable for a totally anesthetic/ mind numbed public.
Tavistock Institute - BBC - Media - Brainwashing..
The unsuspecting Rabbits are about to be Mind Warped by The Machine!!
Repeat - Someones making money from programming YOU!!
Wallace Explains to Gromit How it All Works? A Bit Like Patrick Vallance did.
Trouble is, once you start to tell a lie you have to keep doing so and this is where it gets difficult. You start to believe the lie yourself. Especially when leverage is applied or you are part of a paedophile ring or are tasked with the cover up as Theresa May was beginning to crack.
They were going to take her out.. Not Paddy or Cilla Style but physically. Trump told her.
The MiMo Masts Output Power Will Be Increased - Turn it Up Gromit - Give it Some Welly
Are you going to be a good little Bunny for the Government or Choose To Wake Up!!