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Writer's pictureBruce Lamb

Westminster Cancels 5G The Facts Presentation.

On Friday 21st i was informed by Mark Steele he was presenting a number of "5G The Facts" slide deck to groups across the Greater London Area.

Wimbledon was one of the events that was scheduled and Mark stated it had gone well.

Id mailed Kevin Hollinrake MP and Mike Kane MP also APPG Banking's Heather Buchanan and SME Alliance to see if there was a mechanism to have the event well attended which i got the standard thanks prompt from the Westminster servers.

The Westminster event was arranged for 3.30 in Portcullis House, Monday . 24.6.19

Yesterday while conversing with Mark on how the events had gone i was informed that Westminster had cancelled the event at the last minute?

5G The Facts - Cancelled By Westminster

It strikes me that someone in Westminster is burying their head in the sand or even covering up and doesn't want the facts to be heard? The source will be found.

There is a public duty of care and oath of office undertaken by all in public office to uphold to the state and those you represent.

This situation will be monitored as we progress.

I did watch as prompted by You tube Channel a Washington DC enquiry into the installation of small cell sites. This is after the event and in the knowledge of what is occurring in California.

The speakers voiced their positions clearly and what science supported their views.

Lets hope the UK pays heed to the lessons being learned in Washington, Gateshead, Paradise California and other cities that are awakening to placing toxic EMF weapons grade technology into the residential environment?

Who actually needs 5G?

5G is yet to be fully specified.

Who delivers an unspecified project without having the full facts?

Is the countries health v innovation & so called progress an end product or benefit, really worth having?

The UK plot thickens?

Bruce Lamb <>

Fri, Jun 21, 2:08 PM (5 days ago) to,, SME, buchananh Kevin, Mike, Ive just been on the phone with Mark Steele reference a series of forthcoming 5G talks.

Mark is running a 5G - The Real Information Session in Portcullis House 3.30 24th June. Monday. Specifically for MP's I have his number should any MP wish to confirm the session. 

Is there a direct method of mailing all MPs to advise this session is being run so that the truth can be delivered on whats actually happening in Gateshead (Outbreaks of Cancer and EMF related disease above the norm) we can now see in various stages of technology progression UK wide.

As an indication Manchester's Media City's readings are probably something like our streets will measure once microwave signal densification of this technology set is rolled out. 

I'm taking readings of 6000 miilli Volts/ Meter 6V where the guideline is 200 mv/m 30 minutes. This is 30 Times greater than the guidelines, it could be more as the meter was maxed out. The Media City thumbnail has audio for greater impact.

The information linked for Dr Sarah Starkey also indicates this reference data is skewed with current knowledge but the regulators as we know are commercially influenced as in the finance and medical sectors. 

It Strikes me with the take down of the NHS and SMEs / Investors in the finance sector, the prevention of the GC MAF Cancer treatment not being allowed on the market, increase in Cancer causing radiation levels with 5G and what May has done with the defence sector we are being set up for a fall. 

I do hope your colleagues learn of this event on the doorstep although its a little late im sure it will be recorded? 

Mike I will be in touch with yourself and GMCA shortly about the  next steps as it would appear that Resilient Cities and LOBO loans are a pincer movement to entrap local Govt. Once again Rockefeller and Rothschild links are strong through Rand Organisation and Banking. Thanks

For Those MPs that would have liked to attend.

I recommend without slides The Dangers of 5G.

This is for Mike Kane, Kevin Hollinrake and any other UK MP that receives this piece.

Also GMCA to be advised of what damage they are potentially doing and they will need to identify those responsible, accountable and consulted for these acts against humanity.

This technology will be found to be the next smoking, aids, ebola that you cant see hear or smell till its to late.

As those who dont want the populus to know about it they made sure the regulators put out the corporate line. Which is false.

Dr Sarah Starkeys work in this area along with other scientists needs to be heard.

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